We're more than half way through the 5 strategies for reducing holiday stress! Here are the last two:
4. Remember to Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS). Firstly, I think none of us are stupid but it’s a good acronym to remind me that when I complicate things, I become stupid. Like duh! You know – don’t take on more than you should. Everyone should be quarantining so let’s not feel the need load up on the holiday traditions. No, I don’t need to bake a gazillion cookies or decorate every corner of my home. Take this year to scale it back a little. Try to relax, watch a few good holiday movies, camp out next to the tree for a night, spend as much time as we wish in our pj's and don’t feel guilty doing any of it!
5. Go outside! Even if it’s just to walk around the yard. Fresh air is so cleansing. So take a deep breath of the crisp air, hold it in and slowly release it. Do this a few times before heading back in and guzzling some hot cocoa! You're already reducing that holiday stress. Way to go!
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Well there they are; 5 strategies for reducing holiday stress that I plan on using to keep smiling through the pandemic! I hope you will use them too. Feel free to share some of your own ideas below and Happy Holidays!